Metrohm 799 GPT Titrino Manuel d'utilisation

Page 172

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3.2. Remote control commands

799 GPT Titrino


Info.TitrResults.EP.1.Meas read


etc., up to .2

Info.TitrResults.Var.C40 read


etc., up to .C47

Info.TitrResults.Var.DTime read


.RS: Values of the calculated results.

.EP: Endpoints with DET, MET, SET, KFT:

Volume coordinate in mL, e.g. "1.2340"

Measured value coordinate in pH "5.12", mV (with U and Ipol) "-

241" or uA (with Upol) "43.7".

.Var: Various variables. You may overwrite the variables C40...C45, see

C40: Initial measured value in pH "5.12", mV (with U and Ipol)

"41", uA (with Upol) "43.7" or °C (with T) "25.0". In MEAS final

measured value.

C41: End volume with SET, STAT, DOS, DOC in ml, "12.5360".

C42: Time from start of titration to end in s, "62".

C43: Volume drift on start of a SET/KFT titration from the condi-

tioning in ul/min, "3.5".

C44: (Last measured) temperature in °C. Used for the temperature

compensation in pH measurements.

C45: Start volume with SET, STAT, DOC in ml, "2.800".

C46: Asymmetry pH of CAL, "6.89".

C47: Relative electrode slope of CAL, "0.9950".

C48: Voltage at maximum voltage (not valid in CAL and TIP)

C49: Voltage at minimum voltage (not valid in CAL and TIP)

DTime: Dosing time in s in DOS/DOC or time for the drift correc-

tion in SET/KFT with conditioning, resp. Info.TitrResults.FixEP.51.Value read


etc. up to .59

Info.TitrResults.pK.61.Value read


etc. up to .69

Info.TitrResults.TempVar.C70 read


etc. up to .C79

.FixEP: Fix EP with DET, MET resp. Fix V with STAT. C5X corresponds to the

fix volumes X, X = 1...9.

.pK: With DET, MET resp. time with given part of the end volume in s in STAT.

C6X corresponds to X = 1...9.

.TempVar: Temporary variables in TIP corresponding to the assignments in

the submethods. Info.TitrResults.TimeWin.81.Mean read


Info.TitrResults.TimeWin.81.Dev read


etc. up to .89

Info.TitrResults.MeanRateC80.Mean read


Info.TitrResults.MeanRateC80.Dev read


For STAT: Mean rates and standard deviations in mL/min which have been

calculated with linear regression. C80 is the rate calculated over all points of

the measuring point list, C8X are the rates in the time windows X, X = 1...9.
