Your next step – Labconco Protector Stainless Steel Perchloric Acid Laboratory Fume Hoods 1308 Series Manuel d'utilisation

Page 9

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Chapter 1: Introduction

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Original instructions

Your Next Step

If your Fume Hood needs to be installed, proceed to Chapter 2: Prerequisites to
ensure your installation site meets all of the requirements. Then, go to Chapter 3:
Getting Started
for instructions on how to install your laboratory fume hood and
make all of the necessary connections.

If you would like to review how laboratory fume hoods operate, go to Chapter 4:
Performance Features and Safety Precautions

For information on the operational characteristics of your laboratory fume hood,
go to Chapter 5: Using The Protector Perchloric Acid.

If your laboratory fume hood is installed and you need to perform routine
maintenance on the cabinet, proceed to Chapter 6: Maintaining Your Protector
Perchloric Acid

For information on making modifications to the configuration of your fume hood,
go to Chapter 7: Modifying The Protector Perchloric Acid.

Refer to Chapter 8: Troubleshooting if you are experiencing problems with your
fume hood.
